
2023 AGM and social night – 21 Nov 2023

Join the Ballarat Permaculture Guild for their Annual General Meeting and social night!

We are meeting at 5:30pm on Tuesday 21 Nov 2023 at the Uniting building on the corner of Queen St and Dyte Parade, opposite the central Ballarat Community Garden.

After some drinks, food and music, the BPG committee and financial members will go into a meeting room to conduct the official AGM proceedings.

This will include the annual reports, election of office bearers, and presentation of life membership - a brand new initiative!

Non-members are able to stick around socialising while the AGM is completed.

The AGM should be complete by around 7pm, after which time we can continue socialising together.There's no better time to get to know our members and see what we've been up to this year.

We hope to see you there!

AGM Resources:


  1. to confirm the minutes of the previous annual general meeting and of any special general meeting held since then;
  2. to receive and consider -
    1. the annual report of the Committee on the activities of the Association during the preceding financial year; and
    2. the financial statements of the Association for the preceding financial year submitted by the Committee in accordance with Part 7 of the Act;
  3.  to elect the members of the Committee;
  4.  to confirm or vary the amounts (if any) of the annual subscription and joining fee.

Download 2022 AGM Minutes

Download 2023 Annual Report

Download Committee Nomination Form




Ballarat Permaculture Guild, now in its 10th year, held its 3rd AGM as an incorporated body, on Wednesday 13th November, 2019.
There was a great turnout for the meeting and to hear the speakers reporting on the activities of the working party for a new LETS (Local Exchange Trading System) scheme.
All committee positions, except for Vice President, were filled without the need for voting.
The committee for 2019-2020 is -

President - Steve Burns
Secretary - Lisa Hofler
Treasurer - Karen Fitzpatrick
Ordinary members - John Moss, Elizabeth Moss, Liz O'Dwyer, Indigo Brooke, Jude Porteous, Sarah Ryan, Elise Sullivan

Keep up with all BPG activities via our Events page or the BPG page on Eventbrite